Free content marketing resources

Content marketing is about more than putting pen to paper. With these free guides, worksheets and templates, you can plan your strategy, build a team, manage your workflow, create a consistent brand identity, and more.

Templates and worksheets

Editorial Calendar Template

A content calendar is a system to keep track of the topics you plan to write, who will write them, when to publish and other important details to help streamline the content creation process.

Content Brief Template

Each piece of content will have a unique content brief associated with it. This template is a framework you can use to set specifications and expectations on how a piece of content is to be written.

Content Strategy Worksheet

A content strategy is a brand's high level plan for producing, promoting and managing content. With a complete strategy figured out, you can have guidelines in place to direct your efforts, execute all the tasks involved cohesively and get better results.

Starter Style Guide Template

Style guide is a set of high-level instructions to be followed by all the content produced by the brand. It tells everyone how all the content is to be written, formatted and delivered, providing necessary direction and context for content writing activities.

Guides and ebooks

15 ways to get irresistible content topics guaranteed to engage your audience

Just any content would not do the trick. You need to pick content ideas that resonate with your audience. guide will help you identify your prospects' pain points and generate irresistible content ideas.

11 essential types of content writing for a successful business

There are different types of materials you need to create, requiring different types of content writers. This guide covers the main types of web content you should consider developing for your brand.

40 content marketing questions to discuss before a campaign or project

In a content strategy meeting, people often avoid discussing many questions. An agency may be afraid of losing the sale, or a client may be in a hurry. These questions help you start on the right foot.

Content marketing: overview, benefits, process, and how to get started

The effectiveness of traditional marketing channels like radio ads, print media, and sales calls is dwindling by the day. There has to be a better way. And that way is content marketing.

How long should a blog post be? Definitive guide to blog post length

How long should a blog post be? Here is the definitive answer, along with the factors you should consider for the best blog post word count and the standard blog post lengths for different scenarios.

Content brief template + guide: 12 questions to ask when creating content

When you delegate content creation, the creator may not know what is expected from it. This guide shows you how to prevent this with a content brief, and how to prepare one with a free template.

Buying a content marketing platform: how to choose the best cmp

With so many options, it is challenging to choose the best content marketing platform (CMP). The information in this ebook will help you buy the ideal CMP for your business.

5 key types of content marketing metrics you must track and analyze

Does your company monitor content marketing success? Learn which content marketing metrics and KPIs to monitor and improve depending on your business objectives.

Cost of content marketing: the ultimate guide to content pricing

Content marketing is effective. But how much should you expect to pay? Learn more about the cost of content marketing in this in-depth guide.

The ultimate guide to hiring a content marketing agency

Outsourcing content marketing helps you get results without wasting time and effort. Use this guide to learn how to hire a content marketing agency.

How to write a killer SEO blog post, step by step

Writing a blog post that people want to read is one thing, but ensuring that it ranks in search engine results is a tall order. Here's how to write an SEO blog post.

Target market: the ultimate guide to analyze and define your audience

Drive more sales by zeroing in on your target market. This guide shows what target markets are and how you can analyze your audience.

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